drinking alcohol after taking azithromycin

drinking alcohol after taking azithromycin
'Drinking Mirror' app aims to show how.
Drinking Alcohol after being given a dose.
How long should wait, after taking 1 mg.
08.06.2007 · Best Answer: yes you can, however, I think what you are asking is if there are side effects. anytime you drink alcohol, it gets metabolized by the liver
08.04.2008 · Best Answer: Tramadol is a fully sythentic opoid. It acts similarly to Morphine and other narcotics. Therefore mixing it with alcohol will intensify the

Azithromycin and Alcoholic Beverages
Can I drink alcohol if I'm taking.
I was diagnosed with chlamydia by my doctor and given 2 tablets of Zithromax to take with a meal. He said to wait a week to have any sexual relations.
Azithromycin Alcohol Interaction What are the effects of drinking alcohol.
Is it safe to drink alcohol while taking Azithromycin? "Alcohol does not reduce the effectiveness of azrithromycin according to data provided by Pfizer, the manufacturer.
How long should wait, after taking 1 mg Xanax, before drinking alcohol? Hi, I just spoke with my doctore regarding this same subject. He said that taking xanax and
09.01.2013 · (CNN)-- If you're the kind of gal whose "me time" includes a glass or two of wine after work, you might want to consider how those drinks could affect your
29.10.2012 · Fact Sheets Underage Drinking. Alcohol use by persons under age 21 years is a major public health problem. 1 Alcohol is the most commonly used and abused
drinking alcohol after taking azithromycin